A Change is Gonna Come


We live in a world that is ever changing. Life is happening everyday and many things are out of our control. Sometimes it seems we are ever looking for stability and we only end up in the midst of chaos.

Change is inevitable; it is what gives life it’s unpredictability. A few years ago I said that life is our very own improv show because you never know what is going to happen next. You simply roll with the punches. Even when you have a routine, something always happens that disrupts it. No day ever goes the same exact way twice. Think about it. Life is like a snowflake, each one is uniquely structured and designed differently.

Some change is good and some is bad. We can discuss the bad ones first so that we can end on a positive note. You may have had a loved one die. It could have been sudden, unexpected and it turned your whole world upside down. You could have planned your whole life to go to a specific college and you got a rejection letter. Now you feel a loss of identity and disheartened that everything may not be as great as you thought.

You probably dated a person for years. It could have been on and off again, but you still thought you were going to get married and have a family. Now he or she is out the door and you feel like relationships just don’t work. You are losing hope. You worked at job for 30 years of your life and now they laid you off. You are forced back into the job market and you see how much things have changed. You feel like you are losing yourself while the unemployment checks are about to stop coming in. These changes are the kinds that can cause fear and cripple you.

However, there are positive changes. Although you were laid off, you were able to restart your career in a way you never thought possible. Perhaps when that relationship ended, not too long after you found someone amazing who truly has blessed your life. It could also be that you are purchasing a new home for the first time. Maybe, you decided to pursue your passion and you are beyond nervous about it. Yet you know this change is what you need.

How come you still feel just as fearful as you may have with the negative changes? It is because change is never easy. It represents something new; something you have never experienced before. Some days I feel like I am waiting on this complete stability that is never going to come. This peace that will exist everyday regardless of what is going on. Most days I have tremendous peace and then their are days where it is disrupted and it throws me off my game. For some of your safety, assurance and stability are probably very important. I know they are for me.

All I can tell you is that changes are always going to happen whether good or bad. You just have to be sure to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep looking for it until its so bright you don’t see it anymore because it now surrounds you completely. Maybe the stability is simply in having a solid foundation. Mines is in God. We can’t predict the future, the only thing we can control is how we react to what comes with it. You are entitled to have a meltdown every once in a while; just don’t stay there. Cry, wipe the tears and go look for the light. A change is always going to come, so don’t be fearful. Look for the good in all of it. Find strength. Find comfort.

You are loved, cherished and valued. Until we meet again, always be yourself.

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